Just the Program that We Needed
Ester Andr | 2013-02-04 18:59:43
"I am very impressed in what we got here. We just needed convert my pdf to flipbook that we needed for a one time gig, but now it is a tool that the whole family is using now."

My favourite
Alice li 2012-11-27 20:44:59
"I am way satisfied in what we got here. I never thought a program like this would be so useful."

Love this software
eiman khoshsirat | 2012-09-12 01:36:35
"Love this software, 299$ is too expensive tho!."

Cool flippable catalog !!
sindyflower — August 18th, 2012 at 8:27 am
"Wow. I was just looking for a program like this a few days ago for my website, wanted to make a flippable catalog. Downloaded a couple demos and have been trying to decide which one to go with. This is why I love this site and visit it daily."

Created my first flipbook from existing pdf newsletter
rahul | 2012-08-20 01:02:37
"Worked first time. I don’t know the respective file size, but loaded quickly, looks great and was easy to manipulate onscreen.
Flipbook will create version for mobile – phone and tablet — if option selected.
I foresee alot of use for it (If I can get the committee to agree).
TIP: to avoid a blank back cover, book should be an even number of pages! That doesn’t matter with straight PDFs!"

Very cool Program that We Needed
Umne | 2012-08-10 18:27:00
"Thank you. I almost passed this up, thinking that it was some sort of PDF packager at best. It can actually create an HTML webpage using FLV video capture from different sources.
The self-contained EXE file, which can contain both video and printed pages is very cool. I am not a shill for the software company, and I really appreciate the fact that they offer a software that may or may not be useful, while offering only that software. Not a bunch of garbage that self installs when all you want is to test the software. Thank you for this software. It is a keeper for sending videos and photos in a single container to family members"

Installed on Vista 32 OK !
cloudland | 2012-08-09 20:56:06
"Downloaded and installed on Vista 32 easily. Registered quickly and was able to create a flip book in about 2 minutes. I don’t like to fuss very long figuring out how to use a program and this one was easy to use with good results."

User-friendly and considerate!
Bill Rutan — August 18th, 2012 at 9:10 am
"As consumers, I’ve done some research on the internet and finally decided to donate on this tool. This software is very user-friendly and considerate. This program is straightforward enough for beginners to use though provides a lot of preferences for professionals, really love it!."

Nice Program !
monna | 2012-08-06 18:12:16
"I downloaded the fix again and it finally worked!!!!
Thanks eFlip Team."

Just the program i needed
lolive554 | 2012-08-02 18:34:42
"Just the program i needed, I thought. Looks nice, easy to use, nice search function."

Installed quickly
lassfhie | 2012-08-01 19:00:30
"Installed quickly, registered per instructions – no problem. Created 1st 26pg book quickly. I think this will be of great use in my research.."

I am very pleased with eFlip
ehjka76-4 | 2012-08-01 18:35:48
"I am very pleased with eFlip. What I particularly liked was the ability to create either or both .EXE and .HTML files. I don’t use Acrobat, but OpenOffice. It reads my .PDF files perfectly.
The procedures are intuitive and the process fast enough for me"

Work great!
Peg | 2012-07-31 17:48:15
"Loving it! Seems to work great. Always want to be able to produce a flip book. (Had the program lock up once with an error and did a re-install seem to fix it.) Converted a manual I had for a ZOOM recorder and the search feature is awesome. Make doing a search for topic real easy and nice experience. Would like to try impeding some hyperlinks next within a pdf and see it they covert over and work? Also would be interested in seeing how their video to flash works in their other products.."

Good PDF to SWF Converter!
Big Drew | 2012-07-30 17:50:20
"The software is very good at what it does, converting a PDF to SWF. It also allows you to enter flash videos as well as images and other SWF files; however, it does not have the capability to convert PowerPoint to SWF. The output is actually quite good and eFlip offers additional design tools that can be downloaded.
I am, however, left wondering why I would want to convert PDF to SWF? As we all know the days of flash are numbered and the PDF format is actually more widely accepted – tablets, phones, computers. It would be far more useful to create the flipbook as HTML 5 rather than flash."

Cool Program that I Needed
Jolin P | 2012-07-24 09:50:39
"I downloaded the program, registered and ran a 39 page PDF sample file with no problem. I published both an HTML and EXE version and both seemed to work just fine.."

Succeeded in ‘publishing’ a flip-book
ykroer1986 | 2012-07-23 17:53:37
"Finally succeeded in ‘publishing’ a flip-book (html) from a downloaded walkie-talkie user-manual (pages are mixed-format – some landscape, some portrait) – although the original PDF could be enlarged to read the landscape pages, the flip-book showed fatal loss of resolution to the point of pixelation with any magnification. Probably will work fine, albeit very slow, with portrait-format-only PDF’s (possibly including anime/graphic novels) but definitely is NOT recommended for the all-too-common detail-intensive sales brochures or mis-formatted owners manuals (that are un-readable enough when available in PDF form) that marketroids LOVE to inflict on customers/clients/etc. in flip-book form… Not so much a problem with with the software as it is with the mis-use of same by marketing types >;-> My recommendations:"

Interested in the Pro Version
KK | 2012-07-23 16:29:34
"I am interested in the Pro Version of the Software eFlip . I would like to try it first for the 30 day free trail before buying at the special Price of $249. Is that Possible ?
Thank you"

Regarding the Resources package
Philip — August 18th, 2012 at 8:46 pm
"Hi. Installation and registration went smoothly, and the program is wonderfully simple to use. Thank you! My only question is regarding the Resources package. I clicked the link, went to the web page, download the .exe, tried to install it."

No problem installing on WIN 7 Ultimate 64 bit.
KK | 2012-07-23 16:29:34
"No problem installing on WIN 7 Ultimate 64 bit.
Published 3 pdfs, each one stalled out on publish but finally achieved an HTML success.
Tried to create a ZIP of one, kept stalling out so I just quit it, not worth the time.
Tried an exe and that published quickly.
I’m testing for an 80 year old who wants to do something fancy with wedding pictures of a family member. He’s already having problems. Will probably suggest he stick with PagePlus’ PDF output.."

Worked fast.. no problem
dbright | 2012-07-04 09:32:37
"W7 ultimate 64 bit sys,, installed and registered no problems. Tried it out on a PDF file 56 pages. set as an EXE.. worked fast.. no problem"

Love the software
Rajeev Batham | 2012-07-03 15:25:35
"I love the software and searched it in google last time"

Publish the output book in my website?
Ray | 2012-06-29 12:48:40
"it is possible to publish the output book in my website?
please reply!"

Good for personal use
Ladonna | 2012-06-29 09:46:44
"This program version can import:
files to Flipbook!
And can customizable:
- preloader
- language
- password
I love flipbooks, and but this version not pro, good for personal use"

Zoe | 2012-06-27 17:03:00
"*Allows users to turn PDFs and image files (JPG/JPEG, PNG, BMP) into 3D flipbooks
*3D flipbooks can be outputted in website-ready HTML format, EXE, burned to CD/DVD, or uploaded to 3DP, an online flipbook sharing service run by the developer
*Output flipbooks can be zoomed, searched, and autoplayed; can have table of contents, bookmarked, or printed; can be downloaded or shared via Facebook, Google+, Twitter, MySpace, NetVibes, Digg, emailed, or embedded; be viewed in full screen; and more
*Gives users a large amount of control over the behavior of flipbooks
*Can convert multiple PDFs into one flipbook
*Supports batch processing
*Can password protect whole flipbooks or password protect only specific pages in flipbooks."

Win 7 64 bit with no problems.works well
iooio | 2012-06-27 13:47:53
"I downloaded and installed it win 7 64 bit with no problems.works well. I am very impressed by my first view of this software and will certainly consider buying it.."

This is a nice novelty
iooio | 2012-06-27 13:47:19
"This is a nice novelty, but the question people need to ask themselves is this: Do I want to scroll through a 100-page PDF or do I want to flip though a 100-page PDF? It’s tedious and mind-numbing either way."

Cool 3D Virtual Book
Kadin23 | 2012-06-26 19:23:53
"Probably the best flipbook software I’ve seen so far. i am deeply impressed how easily you can turn a plain PDF into a 3D Virtual Book as a beginer!."

Very handy program
Gary S. | 2012-04-24 14:09:03
"Very handy program if you own an INFO website and/or are eager to create compelling brochures & magazines in 3D.
Not sure how many people are used to read FLIPBOOKS on the net nowadays, but it could be a nice option to impress your readers/customers in order to stand out from the crowd and have more hits on your website(s).
Of course, it would be nice to enjoy the Professional version!"

It worked on iPhone when we tested it
Erika F. | 2012-04-24 14:07:16
"I’m a web-designer & developer, using this program for one of my clients that asked to create a PDF flip book (from a PDF).
I did a lot of research in order to find the most suitable program (I tested all programs in the market(looking for a free option first, then realizing that none has enough features) and this was the best (paid) option and the only ones to support RTL languages so there is a setting to flip the page from right to left.
It also had all the features I could think of – mostly customizing the player & background (I used a gradient that can be defined by start color & end color) and creating an index (very important for long books). The index even can import a text file in order to make things faster – I didn’t expect so much so I didn’t use it yet but I created an index manually.
Uploading to a website & embedding is very easy & straight-forward.
I created a customized template very quickly and I can use it again for this specific client (it’s possible to even add a small logo to the player).
The result is very high-quality & good looking (as shown in Ashraf’s full review).
I’d say that if you have a website or working as a web designer and considering to ever use a PDF flip-book – this is a must download. For a business the price is even cheap comparing with the other programs (that comes close in features). First I thought it was expansive but then I realized that for commercial usage it was the cheapest and without any real competition on features, even though they call it standard, I couldn’t find any reason to choose the pro version.
It also has a huge bonus that aims to be compatible to mobile devices. Ashraf tested and found a bug in it but anyway, even just aiming to be mobile-friendly, since it’s Flash that isn’t supported by most mobile devices, is the way forward (the program creates a special version for mobiles). It worked on iPhone when we tested it.

Very nice Program that I Needed
Brian M. | 2012-04-24 14:06:42
"Very nice. I used it with one of my original guitar scores, with an mp3 to accompany it, and it presents very well as an exe and an html page.
It would be nice to be able to import more than one pdf file per project, though.."

Really great program!
Janelle W. | 2012-04-24 14:05:56
"I've searching for software to create my flashes book and find this one really great!."

good to make flashes for blogs
gomythgo | 2012-08-01 18:58:35
"my mum called me a week ago losing her mind. she had no idea what was going on with sharing some book on her blog and wanted some help. I introduced her this flash software and now she loves it so much! ."

It's TOTALLY amazed
WASTON | 2012-07-12 10:29:54
"I got amazed tangible results while used this flash software, which can build fantastic flash design templates with use of best animated graphics.."

Beautiful Flash!
kate235 | 2012-07-04 09:18:24
"Amazing templates best on this market
Quick response
Hi Def Video out."

Lily | 2012-07-02 18:38:44
"The templates provided are awesome, but do you have more? I use the program a lot and I'm sure it'll be better if there are more templates :)."

Thank you
Ester Andr | 2013-02-04 18:59:43
"I made some really awesome flash banners using the program for my blog, thank you for your nice program!"

Nice work!
Shemarshand | 2012-06-26 19:28:51
"You guys saved me! Thanks for your excellent work. The flash program is just Awesome!"

Doing more!
Ester Andr | 2013-02-04 18:59:43
"I’m a travel blogger and I write hundreds of book a week just to get the perfect book to frame my articles. Thanks to this sweet little software tool, I’m able to easily create seamlessly transitioned, professional slideshows of many photos, where I was only able to fit one static one before. It allows me to do much more with less, I love it!"

So Easy!
Del A. | 2012-04-24 14:14:48
"I run a small online store and a customer commented to me recently that they found my site a little “dull”. With eFlip, I was able to knock out a great flash flipbook of my products from every angle and increase interest in my site overall. I never thought I’d be able to add these kinds of things to my site so easily. Great product.."

Great work and swift. Many thanks!
Stephen Stachini | 2012-02-23 03:10:31
"Great work and swift. Many thanks!"

Thank you
Alain Sheratan | 2012-02-23 01:12:30
"The software I have just purchased 'eFlip Standard' is very interesting it provide a lot of possibilities and stunning output, I don't regret my purchase, though I'm having difficulties to edit a flipbook which I have created, I still don't know how to open a project I have created for editing, but I have not gone through the FAQ section yet. I am sure to keep eflip as reference for further purchases. "

Thank you so much for all your help . It has been awesome.
wevsd | 2012-02-22 23:14:30
"Thank you so much for all your help . It has been awesome."

The representative, Queena, was wonderful. She represents eFlip quality and courtesy. Well don
Andrew Pritchard | 2012-02-22 22:06:30
"Your Customer Services Officer "Queena" is very good and represents your company in a very fine fashion!
Thank you."

Great, but... Linux ?
Eric | 2012-02-22 20:29:54
"Great program, I love it !!
But you should make a Linux version... it's so frustrating !!."

Great Tool to use for School Projects
Scott Johnson | 2012-11-27 20:28:23
"We had a deadline to make a killer flipbook and need to have some high quality photos to present with the right graphics. eFlip did all of that for us and more. We are very very satisfied."

Very Impressed By Its Quality for Business Presentations
Brian Stevens | 2012-11-27 20:26:08
"More often than I expected, I do a ton of flipbook for my business and am always looking for the next best high quality software that will boost conversions of sales to my customers and this program does it for me. Thanks a ton.."

Awesome Product for the Family Scrap Book
Megan Terry | 2012-11-27 20:23:20
"I love this software because we are huge into scrap booking, but we are working on making all our scrap book photos digital. I know it is double duty, but we get a kick out of doing this."

Just the Program that We Needed
Ester Andr | 2013-02-04 18:59:43
"I am very impressed in what we got here. We just needed convert my pdf to flipbook that we needed for a one time gig, but now it is a tool that the whole family is using now."

Najam1174 | 2012-10-30 09:38:44
"This software help me as much as i want. i start my business with it and now i am the alone person in my street who create the best flipbook and page editor, really i am most popular in my area. thanks eFlip."