For Windows 7, Vista, XP
PageFlip Free PDF to Word
Convert PDF to word freely!
The freeware of PageFlip Free PDF to Word, is such a desktop application that allows you to batch convert Adobe PDF documents into word (.doc) in a few minutes. It will convert all pages from your PDF documents into word and allows you to batch convert any PDF files into word at a time. With the friendly user interface and easy to use feature, you just need to input your PDF file(s) and convert into word without other serves required.Download
- Introduction
(1) Easy to use
PageFlip Free PDF to Word, all it takes is a few click of icon to import your PDF file(s) and convert into word (.doc). Within a few of minutes, you can create Microsoft Office Word document in batch and share to others.
(2)Batch convert
You can free convert your PDF file(s) into word (.doc). You just need to import your edited PDF documents into free software.
(3) Hot Directories mode
Monitor a directory in s server, when someone copying the PDF file(s) in, the file(s) will be converted to Microsoft Office Word and sent to an output directory automatically.
Flip series product:
Easy make flipping book, e-books, publication, digital magazine with PDF files.
Help you to convert PDF to page flip with multimedia objects integrated.
Make you ease to turn your PDF files to flash book without anybody help on Mac system.
.PageFlip PDF to Flash Pro Mac:
Turn your perfect PDF file(s) to digital book with page flip effect on Mac operate system, you can add many multi-media objects on pages.