For Windows 7, Vista, XP
Page Turning Software
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- Overview
Childhood is our beautiful scenery line, in life there are so many fun things in our childhood memory. No matter what it is. One of the same funny things is view animation. Those animations grow up together with us, like our best friends. Animations have the advantage of development of imagination. Nowadays, teachers prefer to make their tech book in the shape of animation. View those animated tech books, student can easy to learn words, knowledge and others.
Flipbook animation for kid, is both flash animation and book with turning page effect. So cool it was. Rather than find flipbooks online, why not make your own animated flipbook for kids? Page Turning Software can help you to do it. It is totally free software, designed for converting ebook to page flipbook with real page turning effect. Open the page flipbook, you can flip the book page to read or auto play it like view Flash animation.
Except for the effect of turning page online, this Flip book Maker also provides multiple features for you to enable show on page flipbook. To make the reading more convenience, you can enable readers to use thumbnail and bookmark to find the specific page. To attractive more readers, you can enable readers to email share the created book to friends, family, clients. And whether you want to make an elegant, classical, or neat book, you can use those backgrounds setting tool to achieve it.
Make your advanced flipbook animation for kids with Page Turning Software.