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How to replace icons on Flash toolbar?

Can I replace the icons on the tool bar of the flash eBooks with my own icons or images?

If you want to replace icons on the toolbar to make your page-flipping eBooks more personalized,eFlip Professional version will help you to complete the work with ease.

The icons eFlip Professional prorides include as the image shows, to change them, just follow steps below .

flip real links look in reader
1. Make sure you have Adobe Flash Professional version(Flash CS3/4/5) installed in your computer first;

2. Download this file from our website as base file: FlipResources.fla (download related version CS3CS4 or CS5);

3. Open the FlipResources.fla in Adobe Flash Professional, you will get the interface as below image shows:

flip real links look in reader
Open the icon files in the "Library" panel, then drag to the edit window, modify the icon with tools or just replace with your own icon (don't change the icon names and links), then click "File->Export->Export SWF" to save the modified icons in the flash file;

4. Start eFlip Professional, import PDF file and then change tempate settings: click "Tool Bar->Icons File(SWF Only)->..." to choose your defined SWF file, then click "Apply Change", you will see the icons replaced by your defined in the SWF file;

5. Click "Convert To Flipping Book" to output your customized page-flipping eBook.




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