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Can I make my flash book flipping automatically?


Sometimes we make a flipbook with so many pictures and need it to play automatically with a beautiful music. Sometimes we want to show others our PDF to flipbook and its rich content by flipping it in a thythmed speed. It’s absolutely that a suitable auto flip will vivid flash flipping book virtually. You can make a setting for auto flip function.


Step1: Run eFlip Standard. Choose “Yes” in “Tool Bar Settings>Buttons Bar>Auto flip >Enable” of the design setting interface.
Step2: You can set its auto flip interval by fill in the form with a fixed number. The interval will be measured in second.
Step3: Set flip loop count with a number, if you set “-1” means to play forever.
Step4: Make sure whether you want it to auto flip when start up. Choose “Yes” means you want.


auto flip in flash book




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