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Can I display a download URL for my product in the flip book?


When I would like to make a product PDF to flip book for advertising, I need to display a sample for free download at the same time in order to improve user experience. However, I want it to set in the obvious position, like display in the tool bar instead of displaying in the inside page of the flipping book.

OK, the download setting for the tool bar will help you, just follow the next steps.

Move to ‘Design Setting’ menu bar.

Find out the download setting options in ‘Tool Bar Settings>Button Bar>Download setting’.

Choose ‘Yes’ in ‘Download Enable’, then the download button will shown in the flipbook tool bar. In the contrary, if you choose ‘No’, it will be hided and this function will not be available.


Can I display a download URL for my product in the flip book?

Fill your product download URL in ‘Download URL’. Press ‘Enter’ after fill the URL and apply change. In this case, after the flip book is converted, the object will be downloaded when someone press the download button in the tool bar of the flash flip book.


Can I display a download URL for my product in the flip book?



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